Saturday, July 27, 2013

his text- sunday, june 09 2013 (late post)

“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from here. 
I love you simply, without problems or pride. I have no reason to love you..”-mik

Friday, July 26, 2013

you know that feeling?

When you're just get home, into your room, close the door, fall into bed. Just let everything out that you kept in all day. That feeling of desperation. You're tired. Tired of everything, tired of nothing. You just want someone to be there and tell you its okay. But none is going to be there. You know you have to be strong for yourself, because no one can fix you. But you're tired, tired of being strong. For once you just want it to be easy. To be simple. To be helped. To be saved. But you know you wont to be. But you're still hoping, still wishing. And you're staying strong and fighting with tears in your eyes. You are fighting. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

"Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer, do you know youre unlike any other? Youll always be my thunder, and I said..Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors, I dont wanna ever love another.." Thunder by Boys like girls

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

gabutuh judul. aku sayang kamu mik, ngertio! (bukan bajakan) haha

Hari ini memang nggak diawali dengan baik, tapi kita bisa mengatasinya dengan cara yang baik ya sepertinya. Oke, this is not a love letter, but this is a letter for the one I love. Hi, it's 22.55 here and maybe you would mad at me because i'm still awake. 

Capek ya hari ini mik? Tapi semoga aja masio kamu secapek apa, senyum itu masih kegambar jelas disitu *nunjuk bibir* Aku seneng hari ini, seneng banget. Rasanya itu kayak, jatuh cinta sama orang yang sama setiap hari itu bener bener nyenengin banget. Maaf kalo kata-kata ku gabisa bagus alias semrawut hehe. 

Nggggh btw, Boleh ngomong sesuatu? kamu tau aku sayang sama kamu, aku percaya sama kamu. If you need a shoulder just come to me, ya walaupun aku kurus dan gaenak disandari haha. Mungkin aku ga ada disampingmu pas kamu butuh aku, tapi aku selalu berusaha ada disini buat kamu 24 jam. walaupun aku bukan pemberi saran yang baik yang bisa motivasi kamu yang bisa bikin kata mutiara dan lain-lain, tapi aku bakalan nyoba dengerin apapun yang mau kamu omongin anytime. 

Oiya btw hari ini aku seneng banget, makasih ya mik. Aku nggak ngerti harus mulai darimana. Aku seneng sama semua hari ini, duduk disebelah mu, les bareng kamu, caramu ngeliat aku, caramu ngomong sama aku, caramu ngomong ke kau ngajakin couplean sesuatu, ngeliat kamu makan, caramu nabok alus aku pake novel, ketawamu... cara kelingking mu ngegandeng jempolku, caramu ngejaga aku, bahkan sampek gimana model sobekan celana jinsmu pun bikin aku seneng hari ini. Rasanya itu kayak kupu kupunya lagi seneng banget muter diperutku, geli, caramu bikin aku ngerasa nyaman banget itu bener bener.......ah entahlah, bener bener nggabisa dijelasin tepatnya. Terima kasih ya hari ini, Mik:)

isn't it lovely, you wake up every morning and still love the same person and never get bored with that?

"you've made a place in my heart where I thought there was no room for anything else. You've made flowers grow where I cultivated dust and stones." -Robert Jordan, The Wheel of Time.

dan terakhir, Selamat malam nomer punggung 13 ku, tanggal 30 ku, sleep tight&have an amazing dream, baby. Al-loveyou, always have and always will, Mik♥♥

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

iya mik, al paham...

"Iya, inget picture yng aku kirim kekamu kan? Mereka cemburu garagara kamu, bukan kamu yang cemburu gara gara mereka, seharusnya kamu bangga aku ngelakuin itu, itu tandanya aku bangga punya kamu, aku pamerin kemesraan kita ke semua orang, berhasil toh? kamu mesti salah ngartiin kata kataku. Biar mereka tau aku punya Al, biar mereka ndak ndeketin mik. Paham?"

imperfectly perfect :)

Do you know why i love SHREK?

Cause in some fairytales,
the princes and and princesses are perfect.
but in Shrek, it teaches us that :

IMPERFECT people can still have
their own happy ending :)

hey beautiful there's special reminder for you

Aku bukan tipe orang yang hobi nge-block akun orang, aku ngga bakal kaya gitu kalo ngga ada yang mulai. 

So sister yang cantik dan baik hatinya, please respect our relationship and live yours. perlu ngomong pake bahasa gimana lagi sih ya..duh..

Bukannya aku sudah sering bilang ya.. 

Don't touch of what's mine or I'll make you feel the atmosphere of the world war inside your whole life:-)

aku nggak peduli masio kamu his classmate. 
if you touch my boy, i automatically hate you. 

kemarin itu terakhir, aku masih sabar garagara dia belain kamu
once again you touched him. you'll see what happen, beautiful!
See ya, 

Monday, July 8, 2013

mik (late post)

sempet buntu dan ngeremet2 beberapa kertas dan akhirnya ini  sketch awalnya

keliatan ngga sih sampe jariku sedikit bengkak& warnanya jadi merah kebirubiruan?
kena drawing pen pek:( tapi aku gamau nyerah gitu aja<3

sempet berenti bentar gara gara tangan makin lama kok rasanya makin perih-_-

berenti lagi....

and finally gambarnya jadi deh~
nggak nyesel harus begadang sampe subuh buat gambar ini
hope you like it mik♥

ada kamu ditanganku

jadi dulu pas aku masih UAS, awal awal kita jadian, aku pernah nulis "AL♥" di tangan kirimu ya mik? Aku kangen nulis gitu lagi, tapi kali ini kangennya ga kesampe-an jadi aku ganti nulis "MIK♥" dintangan kiri ku sendiri:)) btw mik, boleh ya kapan kapan aku nyoret nyoretin tanganmu lagi? 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Lady Antebellum-Need You Now

Picture perfect memories,
Scattered all around the floor.
Reaching for the phone cause, I can’t fight it any more.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.

It’s a quarter after one, I’m all alone and I need you now.
Said I wouldn’t call but I lost all control and I need you now.
And I don’t know how I can do without, I just need you now.

Another shot of whiskey, can’t stop looking at the door.
Wishing you’d come sweeping in the way you did before.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.

It’s a quarter after one, I’m a little drunk,
And I need you now.
Said I wouldn’t call but I lost all control and I need you now.
And I don’t know how I can do without, I just need you now.

Yes I’d rather hurt than feel nothing at all.
It’s a quarter after one, I’m all alone and I need you now.
And I said I wouldn’t call but I’m a little drunk and I need you now.
And I don’t know how I can do without, I just need you now.
I just need you now.
Oh baby I need you now.

Listen here

Friday, July 5, 2013

quote of the day

"kangen itu kyk kebelet pup gapeduli kapanpun gapeduli dimanapun gapeduli gimanapun, it just happen."-Aldila Anatygusta

Random converstn

"Punya-nya Al ya, ohiya maaf lupa mik-nya"
"Hihihi kamu kok lucu sepertinya lek ngmg gitu:3"
"lucu gimana?"
"kayak pas ngomong pigipigi gitu"
"enggaaaakk, aku nggak kyk yng kalian bayangin, ttttiiiidddddaaaaaakkkk!!!!"
"hahahahahaha pigipigi kemana ko?"
"pigipigi ke atom ce"

Inti dan hikmah dari percakapan diatas adalah jadi sebenernya Hilmy anak atom (?)

Sekian terimakasih dan abaikan
with love,Al♥

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

hujannya jahat sama mik:(

Dulu kamu pernah minta aku buat mantau sama ngejaga kesehatan sama pola makanmu, nah sekarang kamu sakit gini, itu jelas murni salahku, mik. maafin ya. maafin nggakbisa njaga kamu, maafin al ngebiarin ujannya ngejahatin kamu... cepet sembuh ya you there, jangan sakit sakit lagi :''

How to make a Pisces man Fall in Love (is that true?)

The Pisces man is the last of the 12 zodiac signs. This makes the Pisces guy extremely intuitive and sensitive. In addition, if you want to make the fellow Pisces man fall in love with you, you will need to be like an angel. These guys desire for an ideal kind of lady. Pisces men typically live in their dream world. They day dream a lot and do not necessarily live in the full realms of reality. Thus, their female choice of a love companion might be too perfect in their minds, and they most likely will not want to settle for anything less. Therefore, when it comes to love, it could be a tricky thing for the Pisces man to find the right girl for him. Still, the Pisces man is ultimately known for being extremely romantic and affectionate to his lady of choice. So, if you want to attract your Pisces man, be romantic and feminine. In addition, show your man that you are the type of gal who appreciates his grand gestures of the heart. Do not be too common and typical. On the contrary, try to play with these Pisces men a little. Bat your eyelashes to flirt, and act mysterious every now and them. This aspect keeps the Pisces man coming back for more. He will be interested in you that much more once he finds out that you are not an opened book and there are things he still does not know about you.

sumbernya dari sini nih 

Monday, July 1, 2013

bismillah juli

Bismillah..Longtime no posting, kemarin aku anniv loh, sebulan sama Hilmy, karena kita antimainstream, yang biasanya anniv isinya seneng seneng bareng, anniv yang ini isinya nangis buanyak, keterlaluan ta anti mainstreamnya?:') aaaaaah. sudahlah.. Masio sudah seberapa banyak masalah sebulan ini, masio sudah berapa kali kita bertengkar heboh, berapa kali aku nangis, dan berapa kali aku bikin salah bikin kamu kecewa bikin kamu marah dan minta maaf, dan masio masih tanggal 1 tapi kita sudah ada masalah hari ini:') aku belum mau nyerah kok, dan masih mau mbikin july wish model kayak gini.. buat kamu, buat kita..

my July'13 wishes are;
-no tears (demi apa bulan juni..isinya nangis)
-be happy everyday
-be better for everything
-semoga tidak ada lagi momen "cemburu buta" dan "cemburu menguras hati" dan "apasih maumu?!?" hahahiks:')
-semoga Hilmynya nggak kecapekan, nggak sering lupa atau ngelupain makan,nggak kurang tidur, nggak sakit...
-semoga ada tanggal30 selanjutnya buat kita, amin..